洋書解説:The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby













“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”



I was rather literary in college—one year I wrote a series of very solemn and obvious editorials for the Yale News—and now I was going to bring back all such things into my life and become again that most limited of all specialists, the “well-rounded man.” This isn’t just an epigram—life is much more successfully looked at from a single window, after all.

Well-roundedは博識な・包括的なという意味がある。つまり、Well-rounded manは薄く広く様々な事を知っている多面的な人間のことを指す。多面的な人間よりかは1つの窓から外を眺めた方が、つまり専門家のような人間の方が、人生は成功しやすいとNickは言っている。

To the wingless a more interesting phenomenon is their dissimilarity in every particular except shape and size.



I lived at West Egg, the—well, the less fashionable of the two, though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and not a little sinister contrast between them.

West EggEast Eggの存在は読み進めるのに大事。West Eggは新しくお金持ちになった人が住む場所。East Eggは昔からのお金持ちが住む場所。

She told me it was a girl, and so I turned my head away and wept. "All right," I said, "I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool."



But above the grey land and the spasms of bleak dust which drift endlessly over it, you perceive, after a moment, the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg. The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic—their retinas are one yard high. They look out of no face, but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a nonexistent nose. 

Doctor T. J. Eckleburgの眼は大きくて青い。その顔は存在せず、実在しない鼻をまたいで黄色い眼鏡をかけている。この描写は、彼が神のような存在として登場人物を注意深く観察していることを示唆している。



There were three married couples and Jordan’s escort, a persistent undergraduate given to violent innuendo, and obviously under the impression that sooner or later Jordan was going to yield him up her person to a greater or lesser degree. Instead of rambling, this party had preserved a dignified homogeneity, and assumed to itself the function of representing the staid nobility of the countryside—East Egg condescending to West Egg and carefully on guard against its spectroscopic gaiety.

This partyというのはGatsby開催パーティーのことではなく、集団のことを言っている。
このパーティーに参加している人々の大半はWest Egg市民であることから、East Egg市民から見下されないよう節度のある行動を心がけている。

It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced—or seemed to face—the whole eternal world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favour. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey.












洋書解説:The One And Only Ivan

The One And Only Ivan







 この本は最初、「分厚っ!」と感じるかもしれないが、各章の文章は数行で、短文が多く、簡単なため、さくっと読める。ただし、Newbery Medal Award(アメリカにおける最も優れた児童書に与えられる賞)を受賞しているだけあって、児童書にしては難しい。抽象的な表現も多いため、しっかりと行間を読んで、想像力を働かさなければならない。





Chimps. There's no excuse for them.The One And Only Ivan, p5



Sadly, I cannnot read, although I wish I could. Reading stories would make a fine way to fill my empty hours. The One And Only Ivan, p8

Here in my domain, there is no one to protect.The One And Only Ivan, p10



They spin pink clouds you can eat.The One And Only Ivan, p13

pink cloudsは綿菓子のことだろう。


The glass says you are this and we are that and that is how it will always be.The One And Only Ivan, p14



I never remember my dreams, although I sometimes awaken with my fists clenched and my heart hammering.The One And Only Ivan, p16



I think I've always been an artisit.The One And Only Ivan, p19



With enough time, you can get used to almost anything.The One And Only Ivan, p22



They seem to find it odd, the sight of a gorilla staring at  tiny humans in a box. Sometimes I wonder, though: Isn't the way they stare at me, sitting in my tiny box, just as strange.The One And Only Ivan, p23

Or was it just the two of us in all the world, trapped in our own separate boxes.The One And Only Ivan, p26



"There's a difference,"  Stella says gently, "between 'can't remember' and 'won't remember'". The One And Only Ivan, p53



"Memories are precious," Stella adds. "They help tell us who we are.The One And Only Ivan, p61



A good zoo is how humans make amends".The One And Only Ivan, p64



"Why did the dog climb your tummy?" Ruby asks.
"Because it's there, " Bob murmurs.The One And Only Ivan, p79



A memory flashes past, suprising me. I think of my father, snoring peacefully under the sun while I try every trick I know to wake him.The One And Only Ivan, p87



You would have been good at protecting, too," I said confidentely.
"I'm not so sure," Stella said, gazing at the iron bars surrounding her. "I'm not so sure at all."The One And Only Ivan, p98



I've never asked for a promise before, because promises are forever, and forever is an unusually long time. Especially when you're in a cage.
"Domain," I correct. The One And Only Ivan, p111



I was born in a place humans call central Africa, in a dense rain forest so beautiful, no crayons could ever do it justice.The One And Only Ivan, p123

やっとIvanは過去の記憶に向き合う。そして、自分のルーツを思い出すことによってsilverback gorillaとしてのアイデンティティを取り戻そうとしている。つまり、Stellaとの約束を行動に起こす勇気やパワーを貰おうとしている。


But many days I forget what I am supposed to be. Am I a human? Am I a gorilla?
Humans have so many words, more than they truly need.
Still they have no name for what I am. The One And Only Ivan, p143



"And it's not a domain," I add.
I pause, and then I say it. "It's a cage."The One And Only Ivan, p165



I'm angry, at last.
I have someone to protect. The One And Only Ivan, p208



"No, Ruby," I say. "This is your prison."The One And Only Ivan, p240



"She's here, Stella," I whisper. "Ruby's safe. Just like I promised."The One And Only Ivan, p294
